
by Nirmala K. Werner

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,

there is a field I´ll meet you there.

– Rumi

Mindful & Silent

Intuitive & Free

Loving & Present


by Nirmala K. Werner

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field I´ll meet you there.

– Rumi

What would it be like, if we gave everything that appears inside us a soft, accepting  Yes! ?

If we learned to hug ourselves and to love ourselves just the way we are?

There is truly no reason not to be there where it feels really consistend.

– Nirmala

This is what I love


mindful and silent

Deep Rest

intuitive and free

Coaching Orgodynamic

loving and present

Online Yoga

Yoga from your home?

Especially in these times it can really be a present to be at home in your body and to be close to yourself. From now on my Yoga lessons are available online via Zoom.

You can find further information when you klick on “ All events”


For me your words, your yoga exercises and your authentic way of life are an important source of my inner strength; a source to strengthen the connection between myself, earth, sky and my surrounding.

In your yoga lessons I always succeed in feeling and living a deep trust in myself, life in general and in everything that will come. That way I can cultivate and unfold a deep level of relaxation, letting go and ‘becoming soft’.

You are bringing light into the world, touching and supporting people to discover and experience their own light.

Laura U.

Your yoga lessons are always a kind of surprise! There can be a soft Yin-practice or there can be demanding lessons with a lot of muscle activity.

All of them are based on decades of your own Yoga practice, your own studies and your teaching experience over many years. I always feel your deep spiritual knowledge.

It is really about what Yoga is essentially about: being present, a deep letting go and to allow yourself to be yourself. Your way of practicing Yoga keeps inviting me again and again to do exactly that. I am very thankful for all the hours/lessons that I was allowed to spend under your supervision on my mat.

Lara T.

In your Yoga lessons I have always enjoyed to become calm, to leave the stress of everyday life behind, to switch off and to breathe deeply. I am able to feel my body in a better way, I have become more flexible in my body and have a better body tension and posture.

I don’t want to miss your various instructions nor your beautiful voice. The most beautiful thing is to be touched by you very lightly. There is enough space in your lessons to allow my own body intelligence to speak, to feel my own limitations, to adjust/move them or just to accept them.

Sabine N.

Write me, call me or use the contact form.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Nirmala K. Werner

Tel. +49 5764 94 27 00


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