
Im gegenwärtigen Moment
sind wir mit dem Leben verabredet
– Nirmala


Embodiment – The body knows the way

Embodiment – The body knows the way

The Buddha woke up to some profound truth. He had deep insights into the impermanence of everything and discovered that nothing just exists on its own, everything leans into something else. Our meditationpractise enables us to see that there is no fixed identity, that...

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Dana – The power of giving

Dana – The power of giving

"That which you deeply love saves you!". (Rumi) Dana - The power of giving as a spiritual practice. It is now more than two years since I began providing my yoga and meditation services on a Dana basis. And I may share some reflections on this.Dana is not only a...

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Sufitrail-Some Reflections

Sufitrail-Some Reflections

You have one task to fulfill. You may do what you want, you may realize hundreds of plans, you may work without interruption - but if you don't fulfill this one task, all your time will be wasted."-Rumi 40 days of pilgrimage to the grave of The Sufipoet Rumi. Walking...

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Boardermovement – From Georgia to Turkey

Boardermovement – From Georgia to Turkey

Actually, we thought we had camped in a quiet piece of forest here in Georgia, near the Turkish border. We were tired when we arrived here in the evening, still under the impressions of the bright colorful big city we had passed before. Batumi on the Black Sea has its...

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Trail Riding in Vashlovani Nationalpark

Trail Riding in Vashlovani Nationalpark

It really happens. I am in Vashlovani National Park and about to get on a horse saddled with felt blankets. What doesn't mom do for her daughter?! Because this has wished this adventure, as a balance to the great boredom, which she has lived through in Portugal. No...

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Travelling with a teenager – A glimpse into our bus-life

Travelling with a teenager – A glimpse into our bus-life

Traveling with teenagers. Sometimes I think she must be in love. How else can you type away on a cell phone with so much stamina, endurance, enthusiasm and verve?The tight grip on my heart that tightened every time my daughter spent hours helping herself to her tech...

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Abundance through renunciation

Abundance through renunciation

Living in close contact with the elements has meant a lot to me since I was a teenager. I was drawn early on to primitive peoples who still live in connection with the earth. Even before I held my high school diploma in my hand, I was on a plane to Jamaica to...

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I offer a large part of my courses on a donation basis (Dana). I am very happy about support and financial appreciation for my work! This enables me to offer yoga, mindfulness and meditation also in places where the financial circumstances would not allow it otherwise.

Bank details:

DE57 2565 0106 0036 2990 55

Write me, call me or use the contact form.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Nirmala K. Werner

Tel. +49 5764 94 27 00


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